Protection Stone

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Protection Stone
Place a spell on a stone to protect the person holding it.

Casting Instructions for 'Protection Stone'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Lit Candle or Ash
  • Salt or Coal
  • Incense or Feather
  • 1 object you wish to place the spell on, the object should be sturdy and unflammable.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Lit Candle or Ash
  • Salt or Coal
  • Incense or Feather
  • 1 object you wish to place the spell on, the object should be sturdy and unflammable.

1. I strongly emphasize casting a circle. 2. Chant, "Water" and dip the object into the water. Visualize the energy of the water being absorbed by the object and then surrounding it. 3. Chant, "Fire" and wave through the flame(don't burn yourself) or roll in ashes. Visualize the energy of fire being absorbed by the object. Then visualize the energy of fire surrounding the stone but this time the energies of water and fire are separated equally in the surrounding area of the stone. 4. Chant, "Earth" and roll in salt or rub with the coal. Visualize the energy of earth being absorbed by the object. Now visualize the energy surrounding it but the energy should have 3 equal portions this time, one for fire, one for water, and one for earth. 5. Chant, "Air" and wave through incense smoke or brush with a feather. Then visualize the energy of air being absorbed by the object. Now there should be four equal portions surrounding the object, one for each element. 6. Now visualize the four energies combining into one beautiful white energy, while chanting, "Protect those who bear this stone as long as their intentions remain fair". Notes: 1. Just because you have this stone does not mean you shouldn't use a protection spell before a magickal working. 2. This spell is designed to protect others more than it is to protect yourself. 3. I can't stress this part enough, please cast a circle before doing this.


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Last edited on Dec 13, 2020
Part of the Penta Magic Library.


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