Angel Spell

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Angel Spell
This spell I wrote to turn you into an angel. My friend tried this and it worked for her, and didn't take long at all:) she said it took a month exactly. So it will work best at the beginning or end of any month. Say it in the morning only. On the day you get your wings, they'll appear in the morning when you wake up. They can be folded back and hidden. I've seen my friend's wings, they're big and soft. I do not know if you can fly, my friend cannot. Make sure that when you say the spell you have some sort of symbol and a feather (any kind)

Casting Instructions for 'Angel Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Symbol (necklace or bracelet no earrings)
  • Feather
  • Morning before you've eaten
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Symbol (necklace or bracelet no earrings)
  • Feather
  • Morning before you've eaten
  • Belief
You will need to prepare your equipment for the spell the night before the morning you plan to do it. Gather your symbol, feather, and find a quiet place to recite the spell. Get a good night's rest and wake up the next morning. Get your symbol and put it on. Hold your feather to your chest as you recite this spell 3 times:
Angels and Kings of the sky
Commence the fear in my heart to die
And create my wings so big and strong
For I know my wait will not be long
I wish to soar in the sky that I adore
So grant me this power to the above shore!

Side effects may vary but one thing my friend experienced was nausea and HEAVY vomitting. If you have a weak stomach this spell may not be safe for you because Ive heard the vomitting and pain is extreme. You will also experience back pain and your spine may be in some pain. Headaches are not normal- this would indicate dark Angels messing with your brain. If you experience strong headaches, try to stop it with medication or sleep. Whatever you do, never trust anyone with your wings. Good luck and enjoy your power!


Added to on Apr 12, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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How painful will the wings be

May 18, 2019
You can't turn into an angel, or physically grow wings, so you won't feel any pain, because you won't grow wings.

You cannot become an angel.

Mar 02, 2020
(ohh,there goes the neighborhood)

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