Red Berries Tea to Blood

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Red Berries Tea to Blood
Turn red berry tea to blood, you can use it for rituals or as a drink.
Good for vegetarians/vegans

Casting Instructions for 'Red Berries Tea to Blood'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red berries tea (body temperature)
  • cup (better with no handles)
  • a hand drawn pentacle (optional)
  • silence
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Red berries tea (body temperature)
  • cup (better with no handles)
  • a hand drawn pentacle (optional)
  • silence
Brew tea and wait until it cools to your body temperature
Place pentacle on table or altar (optional)
Place a cup or heat resistant glass (be careful with hot drinks) on top of the pentacle (or the table if you skipped last step)
Don't move the cup until the spell is complete
Pour tea into the cup
Grab cup with both hands and say:

''Roses and berries red
Turn this drink of innocence
In what the spirits have bled
Let there be no difference''

Don't let go of the cup and close your eyes.
The idea is that you include the cup in a circle of energy.
Feel the energy in your brain, let it slide into your dominant arm, dominant hand, the cup, other hand other arm and back to the brain.
Let it circle a few times, you'll know when it's ready.
When you are done, open your eyes and use the blood at your discretion.

This is a good alternative if you are vegetarian/vegan.


Added to on Jun 22, 2015
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I love this! Vegan blood lol, sounds amazing. I really enjoy how you make your own offering like this, infuse it with energy and say a chant, perfect for rituals. Personally I use pomegranate juice for blood/wine offerings, you could use that and say a similar chant.

Nov 12, 2019
I love it! You ha e one nice post for once lol, nice to know t You have a good side

Absolutely love it!

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