Levitate An Object

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Levitate An Object
You will be able to levitate an object with easy steps.

Casting Instructions for 'Levitate An Object'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A magic wand
  • A marble or crystal (optional)
  • Object you want to levitate
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A magic wand
  • A marble or crystal (optional)
  • Object you want to levitate

For beginners look here but for advanced look down below for a more challenging way.

First take your object you want to levitate and put it in the center of a table or flat surface. Then if you have crystals then put them on both sides of the object. Finally, ake your wand and with your wand you point at the object you are levitating and say "levitatious" about 5 times or as many times as you need.

You only need your wand and a heavier object since you already have enough spirt power you don't need crystals or marbles and say the exact same thing as the beginners, how many times you need to do it .


Added to on Feb 20, 2016
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does this spell work? I believe n magic but all the spells I try that I see on youtube they don't work.

Mar 14, 2019
You cannot levetate an object with real spiritual magick, it's an illusion of fake magic. If you need help read a few articles and pinned forums about ''the basics'' so you can better understand spells and magick. Magick is a natural, neutral energy that can be charged and directed to bring a desired change. Thing is it's not as cool as you see in movies, and can only bring natural changes.

Umm... Magic wands aren't a thing. sure, you can make one but it will just hold a condensed amount of energy instead of trying to use it this way.

Jun 30, 2019
Making a magic wand requires a high amount of energy that's why you should use your index finger using index finger works!

Dec 13, 2019
Oh wands are a thing, they arent used in this harry potter esc style though

its good for beginners

May 07, 2020
No IT'S not Because it is FAKE

You cannot levitate an object with Real Magic. It is an illusion of stage magic.

This doesn't work. You cannot make an object levitate.

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