Fairy Spell

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Fairy Spell
This spell will turn you into a real life fairy! You have to believe and be patient!

Casting Instructions for 'Fairy Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An outfit (when you'll transform into a fairy, you'll have your chosen outfit)
  • 4 thing that will represent the 4 powers you want (ex. stones, leaves, candle, etc)
  • A piece of jewelry (it can be your favorite)
  • Good imagination
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An outfit (when you'll transform into a fairy, you'll have your chosen outfit)
  • 4 thing that will represent the 4 powers you want (ex. stones, leaves, candle, etc)
  • A piece of jewelry (it can be your favorite)
  • Good imagination

First put on the outfit you wish to be in. Then put on the piece of jewelry. *Note: You must have a piece of jewelry on to transform*. Then set the representations of your powers in front of you. Put your hands over one the items and close your eyes, imagine yourself using that power, then move on to the next one, do the same thing as before until you're done. Then you can open your eyes and this spell 4 times:

 "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. I wish to become a fairy! With my wings of a (type of wings). They will be (size of wings) and the colors of (color) and (color) are my colors I wish to have. I wish to have the powers of (powers) and three special powers of (special powers). My summoning word for wings are: (summoning words) my wings will appear on my back. When I say (disappearing words), my wings will be absent. Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, I wish to be a fairy!"

After saying the spell, put your hands over the power "symbols". Close your eyes and imagine yourself flying with your wings and using your powers. Open your eyes and dispose of the "symbols". You need to wait until your wings and powers appear!

Side Effects:

  • Tingling back
  • Wanting to be outside
  • Wanting to be near your powers (ex. If you chose earth, you'll like being close to trees and ground, etc)


Added to on Jun 30, 2016
Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a fairy.

Jul 24, 2020
you cannot stop yourself from commenting.

Jul 24, 2020
Your comment doesn't change anything, CarbonNova. Tadashi is simply stating facts, if you want to resort to childish comebacks because of that it's certainly your right, but Tadashi has the right to correct misinformation.

Jul 24, 2020
That post is from last year. He hasn't commented on spells recently. The fact remains you can work with faeries, you can't become a faerie [which is what Tadashi has stated repeatedly, not because he's compelled to destroy peoples hopes, but because he's explaining magick to new members so they don't waste their time]

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