Average Demonic Blessing

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Average Demonic Blessing
This is an average demon blessing it has power and is very useful.

Casting Instructions for 'Average Demonic Blessing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Drop of blood
  • Pentagram
  • Item/person
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Drop of blood
  • Pentagram
  • Item/person

If you are human say "The lord of death, the lord of evil. Please come and bestow appon me what is yours and is rightfully mine. I need a speck of your power please gift me what I need." Then place the blood in the middle of the pentagram and fold it 2 times in the middle. Throw it in the woods and enjoy.

If your a demon you should say "ya haeng aem gaoy, ya haeng aem awih. k'aoza yaeza oth bestow appon za s'oq iz esaeunz oth iz rightfully zira. I raph o speck aem esaeun daelabbi k'aoza kimq za s'oq I raph." Then do as it says above


Added to on Oct 16, 2016
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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