The Oak Leaf Fairy

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► The Oak Leaf Fairy
A spell to help someone who is in love.

Casting Instructions for 'The Oak Leaf Fairy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An oak leaf
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An oak leaf

If you are deeply in love, go to a lonley place in the meadows/woods with your beloved. Place within their shoe a single oak leaf. Wait there as you contemplate your mutual feelings and speak them aloud to each other as evening falls. If all is right, you will receive a visit from the fairy host.



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Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I have questions. Magic can be this simple, but one are you suppose to do this in secret? Second, if you expect fairys to physically appear before you and bless your union, that won't happen. I would tweak it a little, have the couple hold the leaf and make a wish asking the fae to bless this union, sit quietly with your lover in the space and observe if anything happens. Example, a butterfly lands nearby, or the wind picks up. Finally place a sugar cube under the oak tree as thanks. Take the leaf home and keep it somewhere safe, like a memory chest.

Nov 24, 2021
The fae do you work with fairies tadashi ... You know that's basically their curse word

Nov 24, 2021
Girldeath, it is not. You have no clue what you are talking about. Certain species of fair folk dislike certain words, but nothing mentioned is ''their curse word.'' On another note, what does your comment have to do with my post? I was commenting on how to fix this spell to make it work.

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