Magic Fertilizer

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Magic Fertilizer
An incantation to help plants grow

Casting Instructions for 'Magic Fertilizer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Egg shells
  • Banana peels
  • Ground coffee
  • A plant in a pot
  • Your wand
  • A voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Egg shells
  • Banana peels
  • Ground coffee
  • A plant in a pot
  • Your wand
  • A voice

It’s highly advised you meditate before performing this, and think of the earth. It also works best if your element is also earth.

Blend the eggshells, banana peels, and coffee in a blender. You should get the fertilizer from mixing those. Take your plant and place the fertilizer in. While placing, practically sing the following:

“I’ll give the life that this plant needs,
So it can rise up from its seeds.
Grow green and strong and don’t decay,
And blossom into something great!”

Once you finish, make an offering to the earth goddess. Wait up to a month for this to work. Message me if it does.


Added to on Jan 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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How fast will this plant grow ?

Aug 20, 2022
This is simply a list of common kitchen waste which is good for composting accompanied by a poetic quatrain. The spell is basically wishing for the fertilizer to work. It is still important to remember that placing composting materials too close to the main roots of a plant may not always be the best option, and the spell simply says to lay the compostable materials on top of the soil. This can easily attract things such as flies and ants, to take care when doing so. I see no reason for this spell to not ''work,'' so to say, but it will not make a plant grow any more quickly than what is natural with the boosted nutrients in the soil, constraints of whatever container, water and light conditions, etc., would also have their effect.

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