Curse an Object

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Curse an Object
You pretty certain someone is touching your things? This spell puts a curse on your personal items!

Casting Instructions for 'Curse an Object'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mandrake root (Handle with care Mandrake is poisonous.)
  • Crystal Cup
  • Your finger nail clippings
  • Pot/Pan/Cauldron
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mandrake root (Handle with care Mandrake is poisonous.)
  • Crystal Cup
  • Your finger nail clippings
  • Pot/Pan/Cauldron

On a waning moon night, you will bring water to a boil and mix in your finger nails and the mandrake root. Allow the mixture to cool off so you can touch it without harming your skin. Fill the crystal cup with a glass of the contents inside the pot. With both hands high above your head the crystal cup in hand and the waning moon high say the following:

"My touch to you is the only one safe, I bless you with my own grace, upon this construction I do place, a curse of sickness within the base!"

Use the contents in the crystal cup to place powerful sigils, symbols, or wards on your items using your index finger to dip in the cup and trace your mark.


Added to on Dec 13, 2018
Last edited on Apr 15, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Apr 01, 2020
Very cool.

Can I change it to a curse of death by chance?

Feb 16, 2021
Why would you want to?

Feb 17, 2021
You need a ton of energy to make a death spell. At best, this will make someone sick, but it won't become a death curse. Reading over this, it's more likely to harm you than someone else. You're using your fingernails which would attach the energy to you, you're handling a poisonous herb, and then anointing objects by dipping your finger into it [and some crystals can be toxic if placed in water] so, overall, I would pick a different spell, or rewrite it so it's less dangerous to the person casting.

Feb 17, 2021
damn it. So my bf's hella abusive ex (physically, sexually, and mentally for over a year) and her most recent attempt of fuckery is stealing his emotional support cat. He's making a plan to go after her in court but the thing is in America, specifically in the state of Wisconsin, our court system is awful and sexist. Not only that but he has very little evidence other than pictures of bruises and scars, but she has those too. Also she has a lot more money than him. We also came up with a plan to frame her but that's really hard to do and also easy to get caught doing. So I decided to find a few spells to at first try to persuade her, then give her nightmares of me, then haunt her (if I manage to either befriend a medium or strengthen my connection to the spiritual world, but neither seem likely rn), then when we get Stella back and she's properly traumatized most likely stop. I just want a death curse for if this all backfires and she needs to be removed. I know they take a lot of energy so that's why I have the steps in the plan to give me time to build up that energy.

Apr 08, 2021
im a host of a spirit. so does that give me more energy?

Apr 09, 2021
As in two-spirit or possession? If you have a working relationship with the spirit, you could work together to cast spells, but that really depends on you. I've worked with spirits my entire life, and while I've asked them to help with spells, we never shared a body, so I'm not sure how that works. I'd suggest researching how people work with spirits as well as communicating with this spirit to figure out how to work with them in a magickal sense.

Apr 13, 2021
I don't know a lot. all I know is that he's a boy and he is very powerful, he's helped me with a few spells before.

Jan 27, 2022
thats pretty cool

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