Elemental Awakening

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Elemental Awakening
Awaken your element! (WARNING: You need to attempt this spell several times for it to work_

Casting Instructions for 'Elemental Awakening'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -A pentagram out of salt
  • -A cup of water
  • -A Candle (Red or Orange)
  • -Paper with the Air symbol (A triangle with a line across it)
  • -Rocks or dirt (Anything that represents Earth)
  • -A yin yang (Anything that represents Spirit)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -A pentagram out of salt
  • -A cup of water
  • -A Candle (Red or Orange)
  • -Paper with the Air symbol (A triangle with a line across it)
  • -Rocks or dirt (Anything that represents Earth)
  • -A yin yang (Anything that represents Spirit)

1. Set up a pentagram with salt | 2. Put every 5  Elements at each corners (The elements must be enchanted or It will not work) | 3. Sit in the middle of the Pentagram and meditate for about up to 10 minutes | 4. Chant this: "Elements of 5! Please come alive! Tell me I have one! So this spell can be done! What's my Element? Let me see! This is my wish so mote it be!" | 5. Chant it three times then just meditate for another ten minutes. I don't know how many days it'll take for your element to awake, but you'll know if you feel closer to an element.

Thanks for reading! Again this spell may not work but I put effort ito this so It might!


Added to on Feb 26, 2019
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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We are all of the elements, you do no need to awaken a dormant one inside you because that does not exist.

Nov 26, 2023
We are elements, but we can also have a element we feel closer to. Like, you might feel closer to water and swimming is your favorite thing. That is an example. Also, you don't have REAL burning fire inside your body right this sec.

Nov 26, 2023

I feel like your comment was meant to be a gotcha but it is not. Each element has a correspondence. Air is inspiration, fire is passion, water is calming, earth is stability, to name but one for each. Just as we have masculine and feminine energies inside us, the essence of the elements are part of us as well. Even our chakras have elemental energies. And there is a plethora of elements, not just the western four. Metal, wood, chaos, spirit, aether, universe, sky, and many more have been called upon by witches.

Furthermore, I was talking about the energies of the elements, aka the things these elements are attributed with. Not literal rock, fire, wind and seawater. While we have air and water in our bodies, this spell is to help you connect with elemental energy, and that is what I was commenting on.

As for being drawn to one element over another, yes. But we are still all the elements. Based on numerous factors, you might find yourself drawn to one element over another. That is completely fine. It is highly likely the reason is you resonate with what that element represents. You might be drawn to fire because of its power and bombastic nature. You might enjoy calm rainy days, or nature walks. Reflect on the element, how it makes you feel, and how you exude these qualities in your daily life. You might discover you are drawn to fire because you need to express yourself. You might like air because you wish to be more thoughtful. How the elements manifest in you is personal, but the goal is to find the balance so one is not ruling you. Too much of anything is bad.

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