Unicorn Magic

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Unicorn Magic
Wanna be like a unicorn? Use this spell on Halloween!

Casting Instructions for 'Unicorn Magic'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Dressed up in a costume
  • Imagination
  • A strong connection with a unicorn
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Dressed up in a costume
  • Imagination
  • A strong connection with a unicorn

A unicorn spell for the believer.

First, make sure you are all dressed up in your Halloween costume (this spell best works if you are wearing a unicorn, witch, or fairy costume!) Gather your unicorn belief! Get it ready!

Imagine your playing with your unicorn friend. You must have a unicorn friend for this spell. Close your eyes. Imagine you have unicorn magic.

Repeat this three times:

"I wish to be among the unicorns,

prancing, dancing free.

I wish to see all the unicorns that there are to be."

After 1 hour you should have unicorn magic! Enjoy!


Added to on Oct 22, 2019
Last edited on May 10, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Cosplay and larping is not Real Magic. You can call forth the symbolism of the creature but you cannot become a unicorn.

yeah ummm you cannot become a unicorn... and thats final.... im sorry to tell you this but Tadashi is right... and furthermore cosplay and larping is within the relm of fantasy....

I'm sorry to tell you this, but no. You can't physically turn into a unicorn. Don't get me wrong. I believe they exist, along with dragons and mermaids, both in the Astral and Physical realms. But I'm afraid that magick cannot alter your own physical form. No matter what you do. But still, if you want, you can attempt the spell. It doesn't seem to involve anything dangerous, so it should be fine. Just be ready for disappointment just in case it doesn't work.

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