Perfect temperatures WORKS!

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Perfect temperatures WORKS!
Enchant an object to keep your room/ chosen area to have the perfect temperature all the time.

Casting Instructions for 'Perfect temperatures WORKS!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Enough magic experience to place energy into an object
  • An object to enchant (this can be anything in the room but wouldn't be an obvious magic item like a crystal geode would be obvious bit something like a pot plant)
  • An area to enchant
  • Belief this will work
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Enough magic experience to place energy into an object
  • An object to enchant (this can be anything in the room but wouldn't be an obvious magic item like a crystal geode would be obvious bit something like a pot plant)
  • An area to enchant
  • Belief this will work

Step one- Call your magic into your hands (it acn be anyway that works for you)

Step two- Focus on your energy sinking into your object (touching it or holding it makes it easier) and stop when you have enough energy

Step three- Think at or say "I enchant (your object) to keep (the area, best to be your room) at ghe perfect temperature for me, this is my will so mote it be" repeat more than twice, you choose.

Step Four- Leave the room for about half an hour and then return and see if it works! It did for me so it shoulc work for you. 


Added to on Jan 30, 2021
Last edited on Apr 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Ignore my spelling please

Mar 27, 2021
You should be able to submit edits to correct spelling/typos.

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