hade an object

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► hade an object
u can hade it is mild easy

Casting Instructions for 'hade an object'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 a small object for pratice ex. pocket change, chapstick, straw, etc.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 a small object for pratice ex. pocket change, chapstick, straw, etc.
i hav done this for bout a year now and this is cool i can hade an entire house here we gooo............... ok first u need 2 be calm now see ur object srounded by only black or white which evr 1 u like best and see it clear now see the main color of it's back ground very very fuzzy and the object gets a little fuzzier now do this until u see a fuzzy blob of the object and the background clear now see it fade and as it fade's chant: ''this object hidden with heart, make it invisble no matter how smart, make it lost never found, make it lose


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Despite the poor spelling and lack of punctuation, this has the potential to work as you are hiding the objects energy from others.

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