Book of Shadows Blessing

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Book of Shadows Blessing
To bless your Book of Shadows

Casting Instructions for 'Book of Shadows Blessing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • voice
  • Book of Shadows
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • voice
  • Book of Shadows
Hearken as the Witch's word
Calls the lady and the lord
Moon above and earth below
Sky's cool blue and sun's hot glow
In this right and ready hour
Fill these pages with thy power
May no unprepared eye to see
The secrets which trusted be
To I who walk the hidden road
To find the hearthstone's calm abode
Guardians from the four directions
Hear me and lend thy protection
May these truths of Earth and skies
Shaded be from prying eyes
But to the witches whose map this be
May the way be plain to see
And through all the coming ages
May we find home in these pages
So mote it be!


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Do this spell work?

Apr 26, 2020
No and yes. I have not tested it, so I am not completely sure. Although, it seems fake. But I am pretty sure you can not just bless something by chanting. You should watch “The Craft”, it actually gives pretty good examples of black magick and why you should not mess with Magick in general. Spells like this could easily backfire on you, you never know what could happen. But, yeah, other than that it probably does not work.

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