Spell to Speed Up the Growth Rate of a Plant

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Spell to Speed Up the Growth Rate of a Plant
This is a Spell to speed up the growth rate of any given plant sort of in a thought-form; you ultimately project a thought-form that is set to speed up the growth of your plant.

Casting Instructions for 'Spell to Speed Up the Growth Rate of a Plant'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • ) Your voice
  • ) Your willpower
  • ) Your focus/concentration
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • ) Your voice
  • ) Your willpower
  • ) Your focus/concentration
1.) Place your Projective (dominant) hand over the area where the plant's root should be.

2.) Close your eyes and visualize the plant growing extremely fast so as that the plant looks as if no time was needed for it to grow.

3.) Then say this Spell:

''In my dear mind, it is I do see,
This plant which grows at a rate extreme.
Bring my thought-form to(day/night) to life,
And assume the role of my desire without strife!''

Be patient for your plant will grow at a faster rate in no time.


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Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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In theory, this should work. As the author stated, do not expect it to grow overnight. You are giving the plant extra energy, so if this works, you might see more flower, larger fruit, or it grows an inch instead of half an inch.

Can this spell allows user create their own type of plant ?

Aug 20, 2022
No, but with careful cross-breeding of closely related plants and selective breeding within the same species, you can do so. At the very least, you can breed your own variety of an existing plant.

Aug 20, 2022
Need to make a plant that doesn't exist yet

Aug 22, 2022
That's not how magick works I'm afraid. Research botany and cross breedings plants.

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