Ring of Fear

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Ring of Fear
This is a delicate step-by-step spell to enchant a ring with the fear aura. Using it the enchanter can emit fear into any beating heart close by.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 small bowl
  • 1 small wood board
  • 1 ''Tiger Eye'' gemstone
  • 2 ''Garnet'' gemstones
  • 1 ''Black Tourmaline'' gemstone
  • 1 handful of saffron

Casting Instructions for 'Ring of Fear'

To perform this enchantment you need to follow these instructions carefully, it might take a while (depending on how long it takes the stones to react to your touch).

Sit up straight on the ground and cross your legs (do not arch your back - your spine must be straight). Place the bowl on a small table in front of you (the bowl must be below your heart level but above your stomach) this will focus the needed energy

Place the black tourmaline inside the bowl while saying:


"Ayyoha al aswad ehmini min al khawf."


This step will ensure the tourmaline's protection from any sudden energy bursts.

place the wooden board on your left. hold one garnet in your left palm. and the tiger eye in your right. place your arms on the table with your palms facing upwards (the bowl will be between your forearms.

Squeeze the garnet and make a hollow fist around the tiger eye (be careful not to squeeze it!). Chant in a deep and calm voice:


"Taharrak fi yadi wa kumm.
Taharrak fi yadi wa buth al ro'b in the hearts of my enemies."



Repeat the first verse only until you feel the eye heating up in your palm. If you felt your left palm getting colder calmly tap the garnet on the wood to empty the negative energy (only the stone, don't touch the wood or else your body will absorb the negative energy) and switch it with the other one and squeeze but don't stop the chanting.

Once the heat is noticeable and clear put down the garnet and hold the saffron in your left palm. Close both hands slowly to merge the saffron with the eye.

Now the tiger eye is transformed into the "Eye of Fear". Hold it close to your heart and take 7 deep breathes (squeeze when inhaling and loosen your grip when exhaling).

Add the eye into a ring or an amulet but be sure that a part of the stone touches your skin (at all times) because the longer it stays in touch with you the quicker it will react to your will.


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Last edited on Jul 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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