Magic Goblin Trap

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Magic Goblin Trap
A trap to seek out goblins.

Casting Instructions for 'Magic Goblin Trap'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Smelly sock
  • Apple
  • Wand
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Smelly sock
  • Apple
  • Wand

Place an apple inside a horribly smelling sock. Tap the apple with your wand. Throw the apple sock into a suspected goblin territory and watch. A goblin may be attracted by the smell and come over. When the goblin sees the apple, it will cry out and you may capture him.



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Last edited on Jul 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Do not attempt this nonsense, it will not work. Goblin is an umbrella term for a type of fairy which includes Redcaps, Kappa and Pukwudgie. Goblins are quite dangerous and are known for pulling pranks that can injure humans and animals. Certain types of goblins, like a Redcap, are known to murder humans. Do your research on the specific type of goblin you might be dealing with so you know how to repel them without making them angry in the process, like this spell would do. Usually, bright lights and divine imagery repel goblins, so keep your protections up. If you fear a goblin has entered your home, open all the doors and windows and shine a bright light in every dark corner of your home to scare them away. You should also draw a protection symbol in those spaces. Even if it is hidden behind furniture, it will ward off the goblin. You should also hang a protection symbol above or near the doors into your home to prevent a goblin from entering.

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