2D to 3D

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► 2D to 3D
If you want a puppy, but can't have one draw a picture of it and it will be real.

Casting Instructions for '2D to 3D'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Drawing
  • Write the qualities of the thing on the same paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Drawing
  • Write the qualities of the thing on the same paper

Chant: "This thing that I have drawn, have made, needs to be real at last. Made 3D and real. I will feel (his/her) light up at my presence, I will see (him/her) come to life, let light, rain, earth, and moon bring (him/her) to life." Leave the drawing outside for a week where it will not be disturbed, and let nature grow over it, whoever you drew  should appear in your dreams for 3 days, then they will should appear where ever you put the paper.


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Last edited on Jul 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this work for nonliving objects?

Apr 26, 2019
You can't turn an image or drawing into a physical 3D item or animal with magick.

can i get a fairy pet?

May 06, 2019
no. not sure what you even mean by ''fairy pet'' but magick doesn't create life, you can't draw something, say some words, and it becomes a real thing. magick is a force of nature that is ruled by nature. therefore this doesn't work.

See if you want to have a pet fairy or a cat or anything like that.I strongly recommend you to try lucid dreaming.While you lucid dream you can create them for yourself.It would seem 100% real..trust me


I knew it didn't work! Mostly because if you turn a drawing to 3D, then you could do that to any drawing, like machine guns, and this spell would become a dangerous weapon just saying

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