Trap A Spirit

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Trap A Spirit
This spell can trap a spirit within stone or crystal.

Casting Instructions for 'Trap A Spirit'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Stone or crystal
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Stone or crystal

Find a spirit you wish to trap. Hold the stone or crystal in your hand. Your arms should be in a 50 degree angle with the stone or crystal you are going to use. Hold the stone or crystal with three fingers: pointer, middle and thumb. Fold the other fingers down. 

Now with the other hand, point your fingers towards the spirit you wish to trap. Focus on the spirit being sucked into the stone or crystal, visualizing its energy being sealed away. Continue until you sense the spirit now trapped within the object.



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Last edited on Aug 21, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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While I'm not too sure how effective this actually is, it's kind of cruel to go around ''trapping'' spirits that aren't bothering you. Many spirits were alive once and just want to be free, occasionally visit living loved ones, or spend time with others [living or dead] so to trap a spirit for fun sounds kind of mean. If you are having problems with a vengeful spirit you might want to look into binding, but there are other options to go with first.

May 15, 2024
Let's say a spirit has been... slamming doors, telling people to 'not forget the steak' and making rooms smell like smoke, is there any way to humanely get rid of it?

Can this be done on a demon?

May 17, 2019
Theoretically you can. This one specifically I'd look into a bit, demons are a little trickier than spirits [for one thing they're more powerful] so it might not be a 1 to 1 comparison, but you can probably find one for demons. I just wouldn't seek it out for your own safety.

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