Give me Wind

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Give me Wind
This will give you the ability to control the wind for short periods.

Casting Instructions for 'Give me Wind'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Say the following: "This, the wind. This, me. Can I have the wind? Give me five minutes of wind". Repeat.


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Last edited on Aug 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can not control the wind element with real magick

This does not work. Firstly, there is no Magikal energy behind this and for weather Magik to work, you require a lot of Magikal energy. As for the chant, you need more conviction. Casting is about telling the universe what is true, even if it is not at this moment. The divine has no concept of time. If you say I am abundant even if you have no money, you will be emanating abundance in your energy which tells the divine you are an abundant person and will bring abundance to you. Granted abundance means a lot of things. You might attract friends, opportunities, and good fortune, but they are all forms of abundance. So, say can I would weaken the spell. I call the wind to me works better. If you wish to work with the wind, you can research air elementals and how to work with them. Just be sure you thank them and say goodbye when you are finished working with an elemental or they may linger in your home and cause problems for you. Whether it is calling on wind or an air elemental, it will not give you the ability to control the wind. You work with the elements to aid you in your Craft and find balance within yourself.

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