Spell for the Garden

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Spell for the Garden
If you have a garden it is a nice idea to acknowledge the four directions and to make it as much a sacred space as you can. We do this by using the correspondences of the four Elements. Once the garden is blessed it can be used for any of the Sun, Moon and Nature rituals you find appropriate.

Casting Instructions for 'Spell for the Garden'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A compass
  • Garden flares or citronella candles
  • Solar fountain or birdbath
  • Wind chimes or child’s windmill
  • Small collection of stones and pebbles
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A compass
  • Garden flares or citronella candles
  • Solar fountain or birdbath
  • Wind chimes or child’s windmill
  • Small collection of stones and pebbles

Consecrate the objects. Place the objects in the correct positions asking for a blessing as you place each one. You might call on the Spirits of the Elements, the Nature Spirits or on your best loved deity.

Finally, stand in the middle of your garden, raise your arms and say: "Gaia, Gaia, Mother of all; Bless this ground on thee I call. Make it safe for all within. Peace and tranquillity may it bring". Obviously you may use your own words if you wish.

Spin round three times to seal the energy, then sit on the ground and appreciate the newfound energy. If you have very little space, we suggest that you combine all of the elements in a terracotta solar fountain and place it in the East. Terracotta represents Earth, the solar aspects suggests Fire, the fountain Water and the East the Element of Air.


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Last edited on Sep 26, 2016
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