Mermaid Spell

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Mermaid Spell
This spell is for you to become a mermaid/merman. I am in the process of becoming one, so I will post if it does happen.

Casting Instructions for 'Mermaid Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water (don't have to be in it)
  • Something on your upperbody (like a necklace, earings, hair, eyes, ect.)
  • Mind
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water (don't have to be in it)
  • Something on your upperbody (like a necklace, earings, hair, eyes, ect.)
  • Mind
  • Belief

Insouciant inclemency (in-soo-see-ent klem-en-see)
Redoubtable mediocracy (ree-dow-ta-bull Mee-dee-o-kr-see)
Refutable humanity (ree-few-ta-bull Humanity)


"Make me what I wish to be,… a mermaid.
Witches one, witches all,
give this power to me."


Repeat 10 times

Whatever you do, do not say this dry! You do not have to be in the bath, shower, pool, or ocean while you say this. Some part of you just has to be touching water. You do not have to this on a full moon, which is July 18th. Just don’'t look at it or you will regret looking at it (after saying the spell)


After saying this spell, you will probably have side effect(s)
-Legs changing color/getting itchy, tingly or achy
-Difficulty breathing
-Coughing fits when in water
-Being able to breathe in water/hold your breath longer
-Random anger
-Scales appearing on your skin
-Gills appearing on your neck or under your armpits
-Legs sticking together or wanting to stay together
-Legs crossing by themselves
-Constant thirst even after drinking lot of fluid
-Wanting to touch or be in water


Sometimes side effects don’t happen until 2 weeks after saying the spell
Tail colors vary, and you do not decide what color your tail will be. You do not get to choose your power. Powers I’ve heard of are the H2O powers (heating, freezing, or shaping water), psychic powers, and telekinesis. The power may take up to 2 months to develop.
For this spell to work, you need to have a symbol; something that is special to you and is on your upper body (so it will still be visible when you grow a tail). It can be a necklace, a bracelet, a ring, your hair, your eyes, etc. You cannot take it off for more than two hours at a time or you will lose your powers and tail or the spell won’t work. You also have to believe the spell will work or else it won’t.


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Last edited on Sep 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a mermaid.

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