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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: What should I do?
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Original Post:
by: Bloodfire666 on Jun 11, 2021

Ok, I had a weird experience when I woke up today and I think it was a spiritual one. This happened on Saturday 12-June-2021 6:40 to 7:10am. It all happened while I was in bed.

I just woke up and I was on my back.
I felt a small pressure on my left shoulder blade and then a couple seconds after it stopped I felt it oh my right.
When I thought about it and tried to figure out why it was happening I felt a shock in my head. It felt like it was going from one temple to the other.
It was as if I was shot by a small bolt of electricity.

I then saw an image of a very long stone brick bridge that I couldn't really see the end of. It felt like something would happen if I fully boarded the bridge.
I decided to put one foot on the bridge and leave the other off so that I could find out more before making the decision to walk fully onto the bridge or not.

I put my right foot on the bridge and it instantly went cold (not the vision foot, the physical foot).
My left foot started to feel pressure as if it was being tightly squeezed.
I then decided to get up and write everything down.

During the whole experience I was feeling a light tingling energy on the top of my head the felt as if someone was softly patting me.