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1 Love Spells from First Path

Covens First Path  ► First Path's Spellbooks  ► 1 Love Spells
1 Love Spells from First Path

Included in this list of 1 Love Spells
  1. Virtue of Peace
#1 - #1

#1 - Virtue of Peace

A spell to help ease the mind a little, its for relaxing.
You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 2 needle
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 2 needle
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    Take your candle out under the moon. Ingrave the word peace on the side of the candle.

    PRICK your finger with the needle and rub it on the side of the candle where you worte peace. (Remember you can use other body fluids)

    Absorb your energy and blow it into the candle.

    Lay the candle on a hard surface and light it.

    As the flame flickers in the wind, imagine your worries dripping away like the hot wax on the candle.

    Let it burn all night while you sleep.

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    Part of the First Path Library.

    1 Love Spells from First Path
    #1 - #1