3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Wave of Darkness
- Super shenron
- Ceremony for unlocking your dream room !WARNING: there could be some nightmares in your dream room!
- Mana Surge
- Reveal your True Desires in a Dream
- Healing Spell
- To help a Passing Strangers Situation
- Find Yourself Spell
- Obscure the Truth
- Enhance Memory
#91 - Wave of Darkness
Use a paintbrush to draw a a large pentagram on the cloth, and set up the candles at each of the points. Place the dish in the center. Use a pin to prick your finger sharply, and squeeze at least one drop of blood onto the salt. Light the candles and sit outside the circle.
Call the various names of Satan:
- Belzebub
- Lucifer
- Astaroth
- Belial
- Ammamon
Ask for strength, wisdom, power and success from these entities. I can’t provide you with specific words because it must be your personal request. Call on their energy to wash over you like a wave. Thank them for their help, then blow the candles out.
#92 - Super shenron
Take the marker and draw a star on the first ball,
Then 2 stars on the second,
Three stars on the third,
Four stars on the fourth ball and so,on
Arrange the balls in a circle, then chant : oh these spheres i power thee , in charge of shenron you will be , whenever the divine language is spoken, my wishes and spells shall never be broken,with all joy and delight, absob all Energy that is divine.
Then leave the balls out side for an hour,then you can use them . And the divine language (the words used to summon and communicate with the dragon are : emoc htrof enivid nogard dna tnarg ym hsiw peas and carrots) read the each words used to summon super shenron backwards and you will know how to speak the divine language.
#93 - Ceremony for unlocking your dream room !WARNING: there could be some nightmares in your dream room!
After the person holding the lit candle asks if you will let others hang out with you in your dream room, say "I will, (insert name of person who is holding the lit candle here), I promise." Touch the doorknob. Then blow the candle out and you will see the door light up and form, open it, and go inside your dream room, seeing in your dream room form as you walk through, the ceremony for unlocking your dream room is complete!
Last edited on Aug 02, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#94 - Mana Surge
The spell technically has to be cast as fast as you can, ideally .22 seconds. So take your time remembering the actions you need to take and then perform the spell. If you are having a hard time remembering this spell, imagine a rabbit and then a horse. Complete that action within 3 minutes and within 30 minutes of the spell to enhance your memory. Also, the imagination might need some help from a starter spell, but the starter spell will take some of your mana over time. To aid your imagination first imagine an octopus, within 3 minutes of casting spell. This will allow you to imagine things at a faster pace. Then the actual mana surge spell is done by imagining a bat, then a dog, a cat, and lastly a frog. I recommend imagining petting the cat to feel the spell. Imagining an octopus can make you feel hyper and sluggish at the same time, so I recommend imagining a rodent, within 30 minutes of imagining the octopus. The imagining of the octopus should take .25 seconds or less and the imagining of the rodent should take .25 seconds or less. Imagining a rodent doesn't consume mana if you imagined an octopus. Lastly, if you are finding it hard to stay motivated to complete this spell, imagine a shark, then a fish, and lastly a butterfly, and imagine those last three things in 3 minutes and within 30 minutes of doing spell.
If this spell is done successfully, you will have acquired good luck and enhanced function. This may be cast multiple times. Also, some spells may consume more mana than this spell generates.
A surge of mana will cause one to grow and create tranquility in one's life.
#95 - Reveal your True Desires in a Dream
1.) When you are ready to sleep, get comfortable, lie down and close your eyes. If you feel lost and confused on a certain thing or multiple, focus on those ideas and focus on the situation. Formulate exactly what it is that you want to know your true desires about. Is it which job to apply for? Which lover to choose? Is it your identity? Try and figure it out.
2.) Now that you have came up with what you want to know your true desires about, focus on the desire to know the truth.
3.) Once you get close to falling asleep, chant this spell 3x's in your mind or read them aloud,
"A dream weaves from what a Man/Woman senses,
In this night and coming hours,
Without fear and without hiding,
please reveal what I've been wanting."
"With greatest hopes in favor please, let this harm none."
4.) Let yourself drift into sleep... upon waking you will encounter yourself with memories from your dream, write them down quick! Dreams are easily forgotten. Be careful what you ask for..
#96 - Healing Spell
Be open, be honest and be vulnerable. Focus and identify all the reasons you are asking for help with healing. Go somewhere you can be alone and focus on all of your feelings you have associated with your situation/pain and get to that mental/emotional place, where you are genuinely pleading for help. If this is your only option, then it will bless you.
-If you are concerned as to what may hear your plea then I suggest that you include a specification of who your audience is.
For Example: "May the Forces of Good only hear my spell and lend their help."
Then continue with the spell,
"Please help me now when I'm close to my goals,
Please heal my wounds and my damaged soul,
Help me now when I'm in this time of need,
Bless me with confidence,
help me to believe!"
-This spell is written to help you help yourself, as well as to ask for mystical assistance.
-A spell is written with the intentions of its maker, which affect it's results and creates its own karma. I recommend that you change up the ritual or wording to make it unique to you and your situation. Keep in mind that Magic tends to work in mysterious ways and you may find yourself having to re-write a spell because it wasn't specific enough, etc. That is why a strong intention is beneficial because if you are too loose with your intentions then you could have unwanted results.
~Blessed Be~ Have courage to admit weakness and may your inner fire be strengthened.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#97 - To help a Passing Strangers Situation
-Chant this spell with good intentions and hope for the best result
-Let the recipient of the spell have free will to choose their way to move on.
Hypothetical Situation: Imagine that you see a disturbed Man while out in town. You then safely and not suspiciously keep him in view and chant this spell below:
"Change his/her mood,
Change the air,
Help him/her to move past his/her errors."
The spell is now active. Go on with your day, you have now presented them with an opportunity to move on/change things.
You can focus on a desired result if deemed urgent enough. The effects may or may not be immediate.
~BLESSED BE~ Sometimes we all desire help and lose sight of how/wanting to find it.
#98 - Find Yourself Spell
1.) Write the spell below on the yellow paper.
Find Yourself Spell:
"Send me signs I know not when, to help me find out who I want to be and am, help me now to see more clearly, let this confusion no longer be."
2.) Once the spell is written, memorize it!
3.) Find a place where you can safely cast the spell. Below I have given you the option to do it alone, by a fireplace, or outside with the birds or bees.
4.) Next, chant the spell while you let the yellow paper burn in a fireplace (don't hold the paper while it's burning), chant until the paper has burnt completely. The smoke itself is a symbol of transportation and messages, the smoke will be carried by the wind and out into the world.
If you don't have a fireplace to safely burn the paper, a alternative is to chant the spell near birds or bees. Birds and bees represent many things, but specifically they can represent the sending of messages. A bee will go from flower to flower for miles then back to the beehive, a bird will fly high into the sky and onto many things. Who knows what will hear your spell...
If you can't do the above, you can cast the spell mentally in a place where you can be alone. As you say the spell in your mind, or out loud, cup your hands together to make a bowl like you're picking up water to drink from a stream, then imagine a ball of yellow light forming above your hands as you chant. Once you feel the ball of yellow light is strong enough, throw it up into the air and out into the universe.
5.) Once you have completed one of the rituals above, The spell is now active. From experience, the spell will remain active until you are satisfied with what you have found. It will throw opportunities into your lap, present possibilities and so many options before you. it is up to you to read the signs and choose. If you encounter that the spell won't stop even though you've found what you are looking for, create your own spell to end the Find Yourself spell. You can become anything you want in life, find your courage and inner fire, reconnect to your soul or even find it. Have faith and believe...
-Cast a protective circle, spell or prayer before you cast the spell.
-I suggest that you call forth a force that you respect, like Beings of Light, Nature, or the Universe etc., so that they may get the spell going for you and hear your spell.
-Say Thank you once you've casted the spell.
-Highly recommend that you personalize the spell! The more you make the spell personalized to you, the more it can be charged with your energy and belief. This can make it more intimate and fun.
~Blessed Be~ Life is worth living
Last edited on Jun 27, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#99 - Obscure the Truth
Obscure the truth
A spell to promote lying, help to catch another in a lie.
Many are familiar with truth spells. Well this spell promotes lying, in order to catch one unaware and in a lie. This works well on those known for deceiving.
Seaglass piece
Stone effigy
Take your stone effigy and place it somewhere it will not be disturbed, and on this over the face place the glass. Try and place this close to the mouth of the effigy.
Envision this individual being caught in their deception. Webs are a great way to visualize this. Over time continue to visualize this, and add energy into the effigy.
This can work for conspiring co-workers or other individuals, especially if they are particularly lying about you the practitioner.
#100 - Enhance Memory
This spell is very simple. Simply stare intently at the thing you want to remember, but it has to be written down in your handwriting: you have to be able to know it is yours. Try and translate this piece of work you are looking at into your mind, so there are big floating letters in the sky or it is etched into a wall in a building (in your head). If done right, this technique will result in the words you wanted to remember remaining there forever, so it is good for revision.