Power Spell

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Power Spell
Post # 1
Guys I'm done being myself. I want to change myself and that requires me to gain power. Powers mean open my mind instantly and I don't know if it really a spell for it. I'm tired of taking the hardest way and I want to have a new perks laity forever. I want change of everything.
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Re: Power Spell
Post # 2
There isn't really a spell for more power, the best way to change yourself, is making changes to yourself, you can't change physically, magick won't change your DNA, however if you want to have an open mind on things, I would meditate, meditating is a good way to clear the mind, try drinking a calming tea before you meditate or lighting some incense.
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Re: Power Spell
Post # 3
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Re: Power Spell
Post # 4
Not everything is in magic is in spells.

Your safest bets towards acquiring more power, are by making friends, and allies, making enemies and taking it from them, or storing it and controlling it, by being impeccable.

The first would mean taking spirit work, evocation, possessions and mergings to an incredible level, the second vampirisim,psionics, astral work, and the final mostly through the methods outlined in Castaneda's books.

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Re: Power Spell
Post # 5
I disagree with the term you are all using.

Power is not something that you will be needing to pursue something different for a change. While it is that alters the outcome in a war, using it against people in order for them to accept you is just corruption. Even if the whole point is just making a difference, you do not need power for that. What you are lacking is: "Confidence." This is something that you will need to stop yourself from making excuses to pursue something different in your life. If you are determined to start what could possibly be the greatest adventure in your life, then take a leap of faith and move forward. It surely will take time, though when you do so, understand that you are still walking on stable ground. You do not need to rush it. (There are no shortcuts in achieving excellence) The same concept applies in mastering how to cook something difficult, or even graduate highschool, college, etc.
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