need help will pay please

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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 11
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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 12
Actually, Karma doesn't affect people who don't believe in it because it is a placebo. You do something bad you think Karma will punish you and your brain uses micro-pk to influence an event to make it go badly for you. This also reinforces your belief in Karma. I'm not saying you can go murder and get away with it, because you can't (unless you're good like I am..jk). Don't force feed your belief down someone's throat.
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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 13
that is a good way of looking at things diamo, however the same thing could be said with magick?

"if you dont believe in magick it will not hurt you"

i believe people would disagree with this, so I disagree with your point on karma, however i do agree with you saying not to force other beliefs on people, that is wrong, and it annoys me and very many people on this site.
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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 14
Well magick and Karma are two different things. Magick is created by everything and so that can't be denied. Karma has been proven to be a placebo and so it can be disproved.
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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 15
neither can be proved, the whole basis of magick and karma is based on belief. It is all based up on paradigms and theories, for example, people debate over what demons are, torutured spirits? fallen angels? some even choose not to believe in them and just believe in spirits. If magick was accepted everywhere it would be a science.
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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 16
Magick can be proven. Have you ever experimented with psychokinesis? That is magick, in my opinion, and once results are obtained you have just proven it exists.`
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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 17
the kenises are to do with psychic ability, which in my opinion, I dont class as "magick" and even then I question the kenises.
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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 18
i am no trying to force feed anyone, sry if i came across that way, i am just flabbergasted to hear magickal practitioners talk so narrow minded " If you don't believe in it it can't affect you"

wtf? So you are saying you have no ability to cast a spell on someone who does not believe in magick. Or if i say i don't believe you exists does that change reality? tell me. I am just trying to educate, karma and magick cannot be proved by science, if you want to ignore Karma go ahead one day you will understand if not in this life. but the funny thing is you contradict your self in stating a murderer cannot go unpunished, what do you think is responsible a judge with a big mallet? its karma, although justice is manifested through those terms (judge with big mallet) it karma - the Cosmic law of action and reaction, just like newton said : every action has an equal and opposite reaction. which is so true, this transcends just science it goes into life it self. You receive a response to anything you do, positive or negative. You still have a doubt, a simple thing has i slapping you in the face for no reason will have a negative response smiling at you can leave a positive or curious response. Nothing is never response-less
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Re: need help will pay please
By: / Beginner
Post # 19
"Or if i say i don't believe you exists does that change reality?"

Yes and no. Because so many people believe in ones existance can make them exist. However, if you don't believe in ones existance yourself, then for you your reality IS changed.

Of course the next obvious question then would be: What is reality?(rehtorical question)

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Re: need help will pay please
Post # 20
Well since Karma is a placebo I guess so is magick if you wanna talk that way. Magick is just your mind using micro-pk in response to the stimulus (i.e. doing a ritual). The micro-pk causes the desired effect to come into reality, the reason why beginners have trouble is because their micro-pk is weak. I believe in Magick but I can disprove it.
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