Does masturbation take en

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Re: Does masturbation take en
Post # 11
Okay so in Chinese philosophy and chi kung we talk about building ching. Ching is what you call the elixir of life. Sperm produces life. You have your lower Dan tien which which is right above your private area, basically the bottom of your gut. Monks breath through their lower Dan tian for power, but they do it by turning the ching into energy through breath work.

If you are constantly going to the sperm bank you're no longer in the recycling business so you are losing potential energy. And try masturbating a lot and tell me how you feel after and I'm sure the answer will not be energetic.

Yes there is sex magic and tantric sex which is different because it is practiced with care and you're sharing energy with a partner so I believe that's where the energy lies. Just my two cents.
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Re: Does masturbation take en
Post # 12
I read a few of the others and do agree that sex magick is a useful thing to tap into. what this person may have meant regards certain paths. an example of this is that Blackwitchsavannah states that one should abstain from masturbation or sex for a week/day or multiple weeks leading up to calling a demon. there are some other practices that require abstaining but this is a personal thing that should be decided by you!
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