Spell Casters

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Spell Casters
Post # 1
Can anyone recommend a really good spell caster? Preferably someone they've had a good experience with? Much thanks.
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Re: Spell Casters
Post # 2
Yea I'd like to know this also
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Re: Spell Casters
Post # 3
me as well
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Re: Spell Casters
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
My recommendation is you learn yourself.

And I highly recommend you never, ever, give a single penny, for any reason to anyone who says they will cast a spell for you.

For every 1 real spell caster there are hundreds of fakes just wanting to get your money.
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Re: Spell Casters
Post # 5
There are alot of hacks out there. I recommend taking your time and reading up on as much about witchcraft as possible. Start with simple spells and chants, candle magic things of that nature before jumping on some major ritual spell. Odds are if you do it will not work, mainly because you do not yet posses the knowledge, experiance, and magic to complete such a task.

I am not talking down on the new spell casters in any way. We all had to start some where. And I have seen beginners to the craft actually surpase myself in certain areas. Just remember to take it slow and always continue to learn about your craft.

Warlock Draco
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Re: Spell Casters
Post # 6
Well said draco!
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