Spirit Communication!

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Spirit Communication!
Post # 1

I came across this spell to communicate w/ spirits & thought it may help someone!
I pass in communicating w/ spirits for now! I feel I'm not ready yet. I first need to control my fear & not let it take over me.

If someone wants to communicate w/ spirits or the death here's how...



Communicate with Spirits by Mirror Gazing, also called scrying, is a form of communicating with spirits that has been around for hundreds of years. It is reputed to be the method engaged by the great foreseer Nostradamus himself. Simply put, it is the practice of gazing into a mirror in a completely relaxed state. This can be performed with a variety of results, but getting the very best results possible come from proper preparation and mindset. Ready to try your hand at mirror gazing? Here's how.

.Difficulty: Moderate

Things You'll Need:
•A large mirror that can be placed on a table or floor
•A dark and quiet room
•White noise
•Personal items of who you want to contact (optional)

Step 1)
Prepare the space. Wait until dark and then set up the mirror and a chair or comfortable place on the floor for you to sit. Choose a quiet room and use a fan to generate white noise. This will block out any distracting noises from outside and help you get into a relaxed, meditative state.

Step 2)
Place personal items of the spirit you want to contact around you within touching distance. Light the candle and place it behind you to offer filtered indirect light.

Step 3)
Sit quietly and breath deeply. Angle the mirror slightly so that you can look into it without seeing your own reflection. Special black mirrors can also be used.

Step 4)
After you have relaxed, begin to gaze into the mirror. Do not try to focus your eyes on anything. You should begin to see a clouding effect in the mirror.

Step 5)
Touch the items around you and continue to gaze. With luck you could begin to see silouettes, hear voices or otherwise experience the paranormal.

Re: Spirit Communication!
Post # 2
I think that's from wikihow if I'm not mistaken Isis. If you use material from the net, make sure to cite it

Re: Spirit Communication!
Post # 3
Oops sorry!

Here's the site where I found the spell to Communicate w/ Spirits by Mirror Gazing:


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