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Post # 1
Sometimes when I focus I get a weird feeling as if their is pure energy going trough my body, and it feels nice and warm, but what exactly is it 'cuz it's not something I do on purpose, I just focus on a certain subject or certain things not on the energy.
But sometimes when I was feeling that energy, I get the feeling that it is stuck, most of the times it is somewhere betweet my shoulders so I start rolling my shoulders and sometimes I feel the energy go to my body again until the feelings completely gone, but if that doesn't help I have to really concentrate.
So what is this feeling, where does it come from and why does the energyflow get stuck?
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Re: feeling
Post # 2
What you are feeling is the Kindalini and chakra engeries of your body. If memory serves me, there are some minor chakra points in and around your shoulder blades. When you feel the energy being stuck there, it is actually being stuck.

Since it is around the shoulders, you may be feeling that you are 'shouldering' alot of problems, responsibilies, etc. Do some research into the chankra and meditate on it. I am sure that you will discover what your body is trying to tell you.
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