Discriminative Bullying

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Discriminative Bullying
Post # 1
In my class, the views of witchcraft are medieval. I didn't tell anyone I was a witch. This annoying girl saw a chain under my neck and pulled out my pentacle. She immediately hollered "You're a witch! So cool! Curse someone for me!" Then she pulled on a string and my Baphomet popped out. She also hollered "You're a satanist too!?" So everyone turns around and looks at me like I'm a freak.

Because of her stupid stunts, I'm now the target of bulling. I was already the target of bullying because I'm disabled, but now what do I do AFTER teachers and school administration have been notified of more discriminative bullying? I'm sick of people making fun go witches and pagans. It's distracting and disrespectful... Any suggestions?
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
Post # 2
This the main reason why many people practicing magic prefer to live secret life or they don't tell anyone that they practice magic crafts because most of the people disrespect their crafts , even they don't understand what actualy magic is? Other people just take magic like fun only. I suggest you to jus Ignore those poor people who hurt your feelings. Remember Don't let anyone disturb your inner peace. If you can complain to anyone then do it. ~Namaste~
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Ladydemi, let no one ever disrespect or make you feel like the target of ridicule. Most of the blind and ignorant we are surrounded by haven't a clue as to what we practise or believe; People fear what their pin-sized brains cannot comprehend, thus their instinct is to attack like beasts. Most of them have a terribly warped view of anything arcane, thanks to Hollywood, distorted old wives' tales and the like. Most of the people I know think Harry Potter is the gold standard of what someone who practises Magick is *head shaking and sigh*. It is something we must deal with.
As to your school situation, I do know that officials and admins take bullying/ harassment very seriously. It is their job to ensure that all students and faculty are able to learn and do their jobs in an environment conducive to learning. I suggest you make a point to bring your situation to their attention ASAP. Explain what you are experiencing at the hands of your classmates, that yes, you are a witch, and that all you want to do is learn, but the others are making this difficult for you. See where that goes.
Best wishes to you, may this cease quickly!
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Well I don't know your age, location, or your personal life, but I'm going to assume your parents know. If they don't you should tell them and explain everything because things might blow over, or they could get worse. In many places while its not illegal to be a witch, people will see it as a crime and seek some type of justice. Certain school boards have been put on trial for expelling students based on faith, but this is a rare extreme. You should document what's happening so if it escalates you can defend yourself legally.

Regarding the other classmates, don't rise to their attacks. Defend yourself with shielding, cleansings, and a protection spell, it won't stop the attacks but it should lesson the frequency and negative energy on you. If all else fails you could claim you cursed them and walk away, mentally they could panic and cause their own bad luck. [Like in elementary when you and a friend would look at someone then start giggling when they looked at you. It's all in their head you're talking about them]
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
Tough situation. What you do not feed becomes boring and they'll find something more entertaining to focus on. In school kids were too nervous of what I was to laugh at me. perhaps because when they laughed I'd smile back and when they asked why, I'd smile more and say," nothing". They make fun of what they don't understand and sometimes even what they fear. If they start asking you questions, know they aren't interested,they're trying to find more ways to poke fun. At this point, simple answers or simply "none of your business" works well. And if they don't like that, you can start asking them about their religion and watch them run. When you make their attempts futile, they stop and sometimes even gain a brain and start showing respect. You'll never be popular but you can strive to be respected. Be careful, but since is out in the open, be proud and confidant.
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
Post # 6
Stand your ground and continue to be proud of who you are. We are all bullied in and out of school. It has made me bitter and hateful and sometimes violent. Do not let it control you like it did me. I wish you the best. David
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
Post # 7
Oh, how it infuriates me when someone is bullying a witch. Never mess with a witch. But do stand your ground, be proud of yourself.
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
Bullies dwell on fear; usually their own! As a post says above, smile and say nothing! If the bully resorts to physical violence,then report it.Do not stand for any of this sort of nonsense.
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
Post # 9
Do have any support system? Do you have friends at school? I was targeted in high school for being different. I wasn't a witch but I was aware of my gifts and I said something that didn't happen yet and it did, the I wore a Marilyn Manson shirt and I was called Satan. I just laughed at them. If there a few that are the "leader" maybe to a simple freezer spell to bind them.
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Re: Discriminative Bullying
Post # 10
Just dont care, people in my class have bullyed me since grade 1 and im aboat to graduate soon (or so I hope) and I just dont care sell it with some confidence (but they cant realy do anything to me because im big and strong with excellent marital arts skills)
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