Crossroad University

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Crossroad University
Post # 1
Have you heard of Crossroad University? It's a school in dedicated learning about hoodoo. It cost somewhere between 300 to 500 dollars for different courses. Do you think it's worth the investment? I really would love to learn about hoodoo/Southern Rootwork.
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Re: Crossroad University
Post # 2
No, No, NO, NO!
Do not spend that kind of money for any occult school. It is unlikely you will learn anything of any use.

Most of those who practice this art have to learn it from those that do it. Vodou is a closed system that needs to be taught by a practitioner, not some random site on the internet.
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Re: Crossroad University
Post # 3
Catherine Yronwode of Lucky Mojo does a correspondence course teaching the basics of hoodoo for around $104, running for around a year.

From personal experience I can definitely say I found in worthwhile.
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