Sorry if this post seems childish, I'm still tryna figure out a ton of things about magick but I was wondering if thier is any type of magick that can enhnance ones abilitys as person or enhnace a weapon? Like as a weapon an example is a sword, or as for a persons ablity, an exmaple would be thier reaction time or agility. I'm really sorry if this question is dumb. Help would be Appreciated! Thank You!
Many different types of magik can aid you in different ways. It is a comamon practice to cast a spell, do a ritual, cleanse an environment for protection before doing a spell. Different spells could enhance an ability, but the best way is to practice.
I used to have a fear that I would be killed in the middle of the night when I was too uncoordinated to save myself. I saw that as a problem so I worked physically on improving my response and energy level after I awoke. Now I can wake up and immediately have enough strength and energy to fight.
This example that happened to me is relevant. Magik can't be used to make you immediately learn a language if you don't know the language. While some different magik could aid you, you need to take charge and improve based on your own command. Remember, Magik can't solve everything.
Spells such as those you described are really meant to aid in the learning process. Whether it grants you the motivation to practice more often or harder, or study more intently, or if it aids in your ability to grasp concepts more firmly. Sometimes they can be used to speed up the learning process, but none of these is doable if you do not also put in the effort to achieve your goals.
If you want to improve your agility, you might work more at cardio workouts and cast a spell to help improve your motivation and stamina. If you want to improve your reaction time, you might cast a spell to help you visualize the way that you want to react or increase your focus.
Again, they can aid in the learning process, but they do not replace practice.
As for casting spells on items, a lot of people call this either enchanting or charging, and from what I have seen, the terms are used pretty interchangeably, though I have not looked very much into it.
It mostly seems to be a form of energy manipulation, charging an object with your own energy to boostyour strength, motivation, speed, or some other realistic form of energy when you use that object.
Again, I have not looked so closely into this subject, but there are a ton of articles and spells posted to this site, so that's a good place to start.