I need answers..

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I need answers..
Post # 1
Im on a journey right now. I think i have to choose a side. Im not sure i can tho. I still wanna learn what is happening to me. Atm i need answers to this... Ever since i was a child i began drawing a symbol. I didnt know what it was called. I just would draw it everywhere. Recent years i found out its called a triple spiral or triskele. I used to have dreams about being in a really old house , in the woods. Wearing a white tunic and having a baby in my arms. Its always a vivid dream. Then i take off my clothes and dance with other women around a fire... Ive had this dream since i was a child among other dreams. Is it possible its about reincarnation???
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Re: I need answers..
Post # 2

I believe it's entirely possible the dream could be related to a past life. I had such a dream when I was a kid, about a moment in mundane life, which I've always believed was a glimpse into a past iteration of my self. Sadly, the Celts did not have a written language, and much of their culture was destroyed, so there may not be an easy way to confirm whether your dream included a possible scene of worship or some other ritual of the ancient Celts.

Your affinity for the triskelion could be a connection to that, or possibly you saw it somewhere and liked it.

The thing is, I don't think there's a way to confirm or deny whether it is, beyond a shadow of a doubt. It really comes down to belief. You could consider doing a past life regression, if you choose to do so, or simply rely on the vivid nature of the dream itself as enough to believe it is a past life.

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Re: I need answers..
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Norse Paganism.
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