Home with murder in it??

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Home with murder in it??
Post # 1
So my question is this.

I am a victim of domestic violence and have an opportunity to buy a house very inexpensively.

But the house has already had a murder init do to domestic violence. But they caught the guy and he has since killed himself at his sons private home (not the house i want to buy).

I know to do a cleansing but do you think she will still be lingering around and might be angry i bought the house? Or maybe she might be happy for me and kids to get away from our situation and be safe there?

I don't want to anger her spirit if shes still there. In her life from what i have gathered, she was a kind loving generous person who loved her family and friends. She was divorced for 20 years before he came back and killed her.

So what are my options? Buy or not, just cleanse and thank you her for the safe home?

Let me know.
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Re: Home with murder in it??
Post # 2

Considering it's something you've experienced yourself, how do you feel when you know someone else has also escaped? How do you feel when you know they're getting their life in order outside of an abusive situation? I'd assume most people would be supportive and glad for them.

If you do any sort of ancestor worship, it could be a consideration to invite her to your altar, and remember her. She wasn't able to be free of the violence in life, but she is not forgotten nor seen as less of a person for it. If her presence is still there, she might be holding on to a lot of negativity from her treatment, but may also be able to let that go since it is over, and you're bringing something into the house she never had: Hope. You're out of your previous circumstance, you've found a place for yourself, and you're looking ahead to further improving your life. Invite her to come along on that journey, but only if she lets go of her anger at the person who is no longer there to harm her.

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