Guide Spirits Into Light

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Guide Spirits Into Light
Post # 1
Hello everyone,

this small guide here can help those that want to try their work in service to others. There are spirits that roam the world that are lost that have not crossed over into the light. Some for a few days, months, years, centuries, trapped. As above so below, we have the ability to interact with the spirit world. For some entities, they could hear a frequency that triggered them to get close to the threshold. But they need us to help nudge them just a bit. Some spirits will share the emotions that they feel and you will begin to tell that these are not your feelings. We can actually do the same thing which is an actual form of true magic! Biggest thing is to not trust anyone that is dead 100%, some can help give you good insight and others will try to lead you astray. My sessions that I do I have tweaked to my own personal liking that changes over time as I fine tune the craft. You'll learn as you go. Some folks will have a natural ability to do this, others not so much. But that is OK! Read or listen to the Bible, Kybalion, and A Wander in the Spirit Lands. These books will help you to develop and gain strength for your body spiritually which will make it much easier to be able to guide spirits into the light. My main sessions I do usually take between 45-60 min to complete. This type of session is a good way to be able to help convert a lot of spirits to cross over.


My alter I have a small statue of Archangel Michael in the center with a few crystals in front of my choosing. I have a candle with an Angle on the front of it, incense, which I like to burn sandal wood, water, a little moss plant, salt, speaker playing 963 Hz frequency, Bible, and crucifix. My alter helps use all four elements along with the guidance of Angels, my Guides, and my Ancestors. Your alter you can design how you like. whatever helps to improve it as even mine could have more improvements like adding garlic and a rose. But you get to develop it which is exciting! What is amazing though is you don't even need an alter to help guide spirits! it just helps give you a boost in power when guiding entities.

Step 1
Prayer- I always pray and ask God to bless me with a good session, to send down his Angels, my Guides, and my Ancestors to help guide me along my path that is right in God's eyes. Ask for protection against those that wish to cause you harm. If you want a specific Archangel to come to help, you only have to ask, not always required. Ask if God can help guide these spirits that are lost trying to seeking Him, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Step 2
Protection- Any type of protection spell will work as many hateful spirits will not want you to go through with saving those that are suffering. My personal favorite spell to use for protection is Psalm 91 in the Bible. This one is more effective if you say Psalm 91 SIX times.

Psalm 91 NKJV
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”

3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.

4 He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,

6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.

8 Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place,

10 No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

11 For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.

12 In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.

13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.

14 Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.

15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.

Lord's Prayer- Repeat this prayer 6 times. This one does help you but it also helps the spirits as you are praying for them. I always tell the spirits to repeat after me so that they recite it too.

Lord's Prayer
Matthew 6:9-13 NKJV
"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

Guiding- I use chakras to guide the spirits into the light. They can see chakras easily so as spirits go into the light it looks like magic to them. First ask if there are any spirits that are lost seeking God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit (This is important as it helps you to less likely allow or bring in something sinister). Once you have a spirit that is seeking guidance you must tell them that their are 3 things they must do in order to cross over into the light. They must let go of loved ones, materialistic things, and emotions. If they cant they will not be able to cross over into the light. It helps to reassure them as well, say "I know you might be afraid or scared, but it is ok. I am here to help guide you and just so you know when you do cross over, you'll be able to come back to see your loved ones", this helps a lot. I use the crucifix as a grounding tool plus it is good to help guide spirits through each chakra. Here are the words for my session guidance.

Now I want you to close your eyes. Close your eyes and look around. You'll begin to see stars all around you. Look at all these stars.
Now focus on the brightest star that you can see, focus on this star. As your focusing on this star you'll begin to see the light from this star is starting to get brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you see this light from this star touch the top of your crown chakra. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you see this light flow down into your third eye. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you feel this light flow down into your throat. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you feel this light flow down into your heart. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you feel this light flow down into your solar plexus. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger
Then you feel this light flow down into your sacral. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you feel this light flow down into your root. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you feel this light flow down into your extremities your arms and your legs. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Then you feel this light burst out of your extremities your hands and your feet. As the light is getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Your are completely engulfed in this light. Focus, focus on this light. As your focusing on this light, you continually see this light getting brighter and the energy is getting stronger.
Now go into that light, go into that light, go into that light.

Repeat STEP 4, SIX times.

Closing Prayer- I like to close the session with a final prayer. Thanking God for another wonderful session, to continue to send fourth his Angels, my Guides, and my Ancestors to help guide me along my path to what is right is God's eyes. Also to pray and bless the spirits that are still lost, that have not crossed over. For those that are still trying to seek God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Pray that the lost spirit will be protected against those that wish to cause them harm.

That is the main way that I run this session. Sometimes I have a spirit that is so ready to cross over that they don't need a session, they just need that portal open. Which is as simple as telling them they can go into the light, that they have permission. It really is an amazing feeling to being able to help those that are lost. You can be that lantern in the darkness.

Some tools I recommend, one is an app called Ghost Hunting Tool. It can allow spirits from human and non-human entities to communicate with you. The reason why I say this one is legit is because I have seen spirits physically use the device. Also make sure to play the frequency 432 HZ as this frequency can help remove any spirits that have attached themselves to you unless you have been cursed by black magic which wont help unchain that specific spirit.

Good luck to you all and I hope that yall will be able to help some of these people that are lost, trying to seek guidance. That guidance could come from you. Knowledge protects, Ignorance endangers.

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Re: Guide Spirits Into Light
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
You bring up many good points about practitioner safety. I like that.

My work acting as a psychopomp has never involved "going into the light" but I'm always open to reading about other people's methods.

But what happens if the spirit is not Christian? Do you only help lost spirits that are Christian?

I'm also curious where you learned this method. It is extremely eclectic for incorporating the Hebrew Sefer Tehilim. Chakras, ancestor work, astronomy, crystals, spirit guides, etc.

I do like the Psalter. Even though I am neither Christian nor Jewish, I find that the "Book of Psalms" itself is a very potent (albeit large) bedroom ward if placed on a nightstand. It's also an inconspicuous item to bring along when traveling to keep unwanted spirits away from your sleeping quarters!
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Re: Guide Spirits Into Light
Post # 3
Thank you for noticing, it really is the first big step to be completed, protection. It's a mistake to go straight into these things without gaining knowledge first as I made that mistake when I first began. Knowledge and increasing your spiritual strength were the big keys for me in the beginning.

I never knew that their is an actual word to guiding souls! Thank you very much for sharing the name of it as I have never heard of a psychopomp until you mentioned it. This will make doing research so much more easier! The light, threshold, up, level, above, ascension, the lost souls call it many things as far as I have gathered but makes it a bit easier for understanding as that's how I began to learn about this type of ordeal.

I guide more than just Christian souls but the wordage is for my safety as my Guides and Ancestors would tell me to change the way I would ask. First I use to say it as if there are any spirits of the light, service to others to come fourth and I can help guide you. But slowly I learned that some entities will mask themselves pretending to be a good entity or some will have light in them but are bound in a sense to not allowed to express it. So me telling souls that are seeking God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit will already resonate at a certain frequency where other souls that are not Christians will still resonate at that same frequency too! Plus with the dead, they can see chakras including our own.

My technique does seem like a dash of everything don't it lol. It's things that I have tested and proved for myself that are real and that do work. When I first began to do this I would research on how to guide souls and one came up to me and asked if I could do it which made me realize that entities can literally see whatever we do which was wild to me! The entity being able to SEE what was on my laptop.
But the portion with guiding with the chakras I looked up on Google and that's when I learned I had the talent to guiding souls which began my journey. I was a lab tech back in the Army and so when I began to see entities in my barracks knowing that I was not crazy I worked on it as if I was conducting an scientific experiment. Seeing what worked, what didn't, like how different frequencies could effect an entity, etc. Angels, my Guides, and Ancestors was from me realizing that they were around and figuring out how to communicate with them. It's not a perfect connection but I continue to try and develop that antenna to be able to have better access to information from them.

Yea I never realized truly how powerful Psalms really were. I was naturally drawn to Psalms 91 and as I first read the words is when it hit me like oh wow this would really be good for protection! Only until later did I realize how much it is used in the occult.

I would love to know some of your endeavors if you want to share. Be interesting to know how your technique is, what you have seen/witnessed, what works for you, etc.
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Re: Guide Spirits Into Light
Post # 4
This is awsome
Nice work
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Re: Guide Spirits Into Light
Post # 5
Thank you for your kind words! If you have any questions please ask away.
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