Sign from Odin??

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Sign from Odin??
Post # 1
Greetings all, I am a bit confused about something that happened the other day. I am not super experienced, though in the past have done cleansings, banishments, and protections for various people a few years ago. I never made it very far on my spiritual journey due to losing encouragement because I never quite figured out how to properly sense, see, or understand energy fully. Since I couldn't figure out how to tap into my senses I more or less stopped dabbling with forces I couldn't grasp or understand. Back whenever I was practicing magick I usually relied on my own power, despite not knowing how strong I was. Though at times I did call upon various Deities and Angelic forces to aid me if I felt the working may need outside assistance. At times I called upon Odin, though couldn't ever tell if he was with me during them. Well, the other day I had suddenly had Odin on my mind, thoughts of him in general and an urge to research him. In doing so I found various articles related to him, one of which told of his association with the number 9, not thinking much of it I went about my day. Returning from work as I was sitting in my car I realized the date was 9/9, thought it was an oddity but didn't feel any intuitive thoughts regarding it. I stepped out of my car when suddenly a crow cawed 9 times. I didn't have any good, bad, or any particular thoughts or feelings triggered from it. So I'm wondering if it was meant to be a sign/message from him, if so, I have no idea what it could mean. (I know ravens are mainly what's associated with him, but a few times I've heard crows are as well to a lesser extent) I am wondering if anyone more knowledgeable could enlighten me with their thoughts on the matter, thank you.
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Re: Sign from Odin??
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Norse Paganism from Misc Topics.
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Re: Sign from Odin??
Post # 3
Merry Meet MageMidas

So, as I am also indulging more into Norse Paganism and especially Freyja which she has caught my attention sometime back, I would just like to share some of my thoughts in regards to your post.

So basically what i think is, is that if you or probably anyone who wants to work with a deity, never be afraid to make the first move, meaning, sometimes we just wait for signs or something out of the ordinary to validate that this specific deity of our choice is calling out to us.
Again, make the first move. I say this with authority because i have experienced this. I too use to wait for signs, I did receive signs, however when I didn't, I started making the first move. One must understand, that working with a deity, is just not 'work'. It's a forming of a friendship, a relationship. So if this was compared to someone that you know and want to form a friendship or a possible relationship, I'm sure you just wouldn't be sitting around waiting for signs. You will initiate it, you will make a move.
So too with deities, if you feel the signs aren't enough, yet you feel a strong connection, go ahead and make that first move and initiate this relationship.

So working with Odin, you may want to attract his attention. There are some very simple ways to initiate this. You may want to set up a little alter. Have a picture of Odin and probably print out the Valknut symbol. The symbol of Odin which is three interlocking triangles. Symbolising the power over life, death and the realms in-between. You could probably offer a drink, if you want to that is. Keep it overnight at the alter and pour it into the ground, preferably soil the next morning. Wednesday is the most ideal day.

You may probably want to wear a Valknut pendant if possible. Also maybe learn the different names of Odin. Because knowing different names of Odin could make you aware of different signs. Example of a name I did come across is Hvedrungr which is another name of Odin which means weather changer. So if anytime you thinking of Odin and the weather has a slight change, you can find a sign in that occurrence.
Odin rules the element of air, so if you find any sudden changes with air movements, think of that as a sign also.
Ravens are the birds associated with Odin representing memory and thought. So if you find yourself in much thoughts and contemplating a lot, think of that as Odin reaching out to you. If you find yourself counting in multiple of three's very often in your mind for no specific reason, that too could be Odin reaching out to you.

The most important part of it all, is that only you can determine and make sense of the signs. And remember, Spirit and Deities will make themselves known, will make their signs clear. Just open your heart, mind and soul, because not everything can be seen with just your eyes. And dint forget, don't be afraid to make the first move.

Blessed Be
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