I hope 4 an answer!

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I hope 4 an answer!
Post # 1
I'm not here to weigh in with my opinion about the right and wrong of certain spells. I just have a burning question that I simply can't find the answer to online or on any of the mobile apps I have tried. Boy do I sincerely hope the answer isn't as plain as the nose on my face. I have run across a few spells that require a picture of the person you are intending to spell. As I spend 9 out of 10 hours a day with my face glued to my android phone, actual photos are not as easy to come by. I need to know if anyone here knows if it's acceptable to take a digital mobile photo and use it the same way you would use an old Polaroid. True if the spell calls for you to burn the photo, this option will not work. I remain ever your humble student. Blessed Be!
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Re: I hope 4 an answer!
Post # 2
Based on the part where you state you're not here to weigh in on the rights and wrongs of a spell, I have to assume this spell you wish to cast is either
A) A love/lust spell
B) Some form of curse/hex/jinx.

I am not here to advise you either which way on the morality of using such spells one would consider black magick.
That being said however, I feel I should point out that there are immense costs that can and most likely will result in any form of magick that serves to cause harm or bend the will of another.
So do be aware, the dark arts come with a cost that you should heavily consider.

With that out of the way.
If you wish to use a digital picture, the best route would be to print it out.
However, since the picture serves as a focal point to direct your energies at, a representation of the individual you wish to cast upon.
You could merely have it pulled up on a screen and focus on the spells energy being directed towards the person within said photo.

Using it on a screen and not burning it however may result in the spell itself not having as much power behind it. But depending on your own power it may not be much of a hurdle.
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Re: I hope 4 an answer!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from General Info.
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Re: I hope 4 an answer!
By: / Novice
Post # 4

If you are using the basis of a spell you found, you can alter the elements needed for the spell to suit your budget and ability (so getting a photo isn't exactly required). Castingreally dependson the intent and your will. You don't need to buy expensive ingredientsunless that is how you want to cast your spell. Some people like working with specific items, so, over time, they will be more willing to obtain those items because they know they work well with their castings, but you can develop your own methods.

There is no color to magic (black/white). All magic is energy, and you use it the same regardless of its intent. Your willingness to the intent is where the influence comes from. Whatever spell you are casting, you could skip the physical photo and meditate on the image of the individual instead. If the spell requires burning the photo, you can light a candle and envision the picture in your mind burning up.

There is nothing wrong with altering a spell or even using one you didn't create. Spellwork, over time, becomes part of your personality. So, something you cast may be very different from how someone else cast it. It all comes down to intention and concentration.

Hope this helps.


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