What can you do?

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What can you do?
Post # 1
I ran out of space in the title, i wanted to say "What can you do in the Astral Plane?"

I've been trying to astral project for a while, i sometimes get to the vibration stage but that's where it also ends unfortunately (i use the rope technique, if anyone's curious)...

But, that's not what this post is about! i wanted to ask the question of the things you can do while on the astral plane. I saw someone on here say you can go to different universes and time travel. If that's true, that would be amazing! But, i want to know more if it's possible to learn knowledge faster in the astral plane?

Right now, I trying to learn Japanese and i would like to learn how to draw. Is it possible to learn concept like art or learning another languages or just learning anything in general faster in the astral plane? like being able to absorbed the knowledge into your astral form to make the process faster?

Thanks in advance! And if my thinking is wrong, please reality check and educate me!
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Re: What can you do?
Post # 2
I'm sure that it is possible, I highly recommend the book Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. I was having trouble finding the right technique as well as remembering when I returned.
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