sigil question ?

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sigil question ?
Post # 1
Is it possible for sigils, when crafted with specific intent and energy, to exert control over spirits or influence their behavior in a spiritual or metaphysical realm?
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Re: sigil question ?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: sigil question ?
Post # 3
First, I want to address the language of "a spiritual or metaphysical realm." In my opinion, it is better to call it the spiritual aspect of the world, since the material and the spiritual realms are not actually separate worlds. Rather, they are both interwoven together in the world that we live in. This is important to understand because it helps us understand why we can experience and interact with spiritual beings and be influenced by them as well as influence them as we do. With that said, yes, sigils can to an extent to influence the behavior of these spiritual beings, although controlling them requires more than mere sigils.
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Re: sigil question ?
Post # 4
What about chaos magick sigils?
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Re: sigil question ?
Post # 5
Yes, chaos magick sigils can exert an influence as well.
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Re: sigil question ?
Post # 6
To a point of full control shikigami ?
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Re: sigil question ?
Post # 7
In my opinion, no, not to the point of full control. I don't know much about about shikigami in particular, but spirits in general cannot be controlled in the sense of their becoming your puppets.
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Re: sigil question ?
Post # 8
I am unsure if one could gain full control over a spirit that is it's own entity through the use of sigils. Influence yes, and potentially one could exert great influence if they were stronger than the spirit they were attempting to control.

However, it would be very unwise to attempt to influence or control a spirit. As the likelihood of the caster being able to to maintain a consistent level of dominance over it is low. And by exerting your will over it, you inadvertently are forming a link with it. Once it breaks free of your influence it would then be able to easily track you down and stir up trouble, and some links are harder to break than others, especially when the bond created was illintended.

However based on a quick search, it seems the entity you wish to 'control' is similar in nature to a servitor/thoughtform. Which I have no experience in making such a magickal creation, but from what I understand thoughtforms and by extension servitors are projections of your energy/intent that serves to carry out your will. So you would in a sense already have control over a projection of your own will, assuming you have good self control.
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