
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► basics
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Post # 1
can anybdy jus tell me the basicks of magick.? plz dont tell me to go to magickschool .com that is very borin.plz jus 3 lines on how to cover up the basics and how to get magickal ideas! anybody?
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Re: basics
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
Learn to meditate and open your third eye. Here are two sites to help get you started;

Read all that you can while you learn to meditate and open your third eye. Look up info online at these places;

You can also find many good books on magic at book stores and at the library.

There is no way to give you a few lines of the basics of magic. Magic is like building blocks the more things you learn and understand the higher you can build your temple.
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Re: basics
Post # 3
thanx kts!
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Re: basics
Post # 4
Meditation,Patience,and more Patience
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