Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type
Become a neko of any animal-type with this easy spell. Fox-neko, wolf-neko, cat-neko, you name it- and you can become it!
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Your voice
- Alone time in your bedroom
- Belief in magic
Casting Instructions for 'Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type'
Ritual Kit

Ritual Kit
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Ok, so when you are in your bedroom, you will need to lay down in your bed. You do not have to get in your covers, but rest your head on your pillow. Now close your eyes gently, think of claws and fur, and say this chant:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to listen to my plea,
To be a neko, half (animal), so mote it be!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
There's also a version that is permanent, but NOT reccomended:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, to never be undone.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to listen to my plea,
To be a neko, half (animal), so mote it be!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
Here's a version specifically for cat-neko transformations:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
To be a neko, half cat, meow meow!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
Here's the permanent version for cat-neko transformations:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, to never be undone.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
To be a neko, half cat, meow meow!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
For all of the above spells, say them 3 times a day for a week. It should work after 9 days.
To change the color of your ears/tail, just say this spell 3 times a day for a week (it should work after a week):
For Ears:
My lovely (animal) ears are a (current color) hue,
But I also adore the color (new color) too.
So they shall change to (new color) now,
For this is my color, and this is how.
For Tails:
My lovely (animal) tail is a (current color) hue,
But I also adore the color (new color) too.
So it shall change to (new color) now,
For this is my color, and this is how.
Say both chants if you please, but you must say them seperately.
To reverse the spell, just say this chant 3 times a day for a week:
I no longer wish to be a neko now,
I will be only human, and this is how.
My ears and tail will disappear overnight,
and my (color) eyes won't seem so bright.
My fangs and claws will disappear,
God*, please, I hope you hear.
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
~Side Effects~
-Back, head and toothaches
-Brighter eyes
-Purring, hissing and meowing
-Cravings for milk/fish
Credit to PaintMeRed for inventing the spell, I have merely tweaked it and added to it.
Email me at and tell me if it worked/didn't work.
LumaPisces has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 09, 2017
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Has anyone tried this and can it work? Also are the ears and tail retractable?
@Rhodendron actually, there is theriantrophy or the shifting method in which people can physical shift.
@ThatUnicorn magick is an natural energy, it is ruled by nature and doesn't contradict nature. You are human, humans cannot physically transform naturally, therefore a spell will not grant you this ability. There is a belief in some native tribes that a powerful shaman can gain this abilities through decades of study, practice, and guidance from another who has mastered this art, but not only is this seen as an extremely rare and spiritually draining task, only elders are granted this wisdom. I'm not about to discredit these spiritual beliefs, but I will say any spell you find on this are claiming it'll happen is completely fake.
@Nekoshema my apologies for the late reply but shifting doesn't use spells. Its science and a lot of people shifting use subliminals as well which definitely bring results. Maybe spells won't bring change, but subliminals and shifting will.
There's nothing wrong with using subliminals for scientifically possible things, but they certainly won't make you shift. Also, there's actually a lot of skepticism surrounding subliminals due to the fact that there's no proof they work, and most scientific and unbiased reports I've seen suggest the results people claim to see are likely placebo. All in all, nothing wrong with using them (for things that are actually possible, not shifting) but to claim that they definitely work is simply false, as scientific studies have not proven subliminals to be effective and there's still debate around it. Also, spells do work with science. In fact, that's exactly why shifting spells are fake. What's scientifically possible is the limit of magick, as magick is a natural force and doesn't work against the laws of nature.
you're always welcome to try it. this doesn't seem dangerous, so try it and see for yourself.
The source is always the same; nature. You might work with chaos magick [my fiance does, I don't] and while chaos magick can be more unpredictable and not as linear as other forms, it's still the same magickal energy found in nature you're calling on.
@Rhododendron actually, my friend has gotten results from an avatar subliminal and my pendulum also says it worked. Plus, there's always the shifting method which truly works. As far as I know with becoming mythical, shifting is the main method, spells build up energy for the physical and phantom shift, idk for subliminals but subliminals definitely do help. Biokinesis also helps but it isn't as common.
Your friend is anecdotal evidence, and I'm talking about scientific evidence. You brought up science so I mentioned the fact that according to research, there is no evidence that subliminals work, nor is shifting scientific by any means. Pendulums are incredibly susceptible to personal bias so that provides no real proof either. At the end of the day you can believe what you believe, but factually speaking shifting is considered impossible.
none of what you said could be considered ''evidence'' of your point. while i've done pendulum work and have friends who are great with them, it's easily manipulated [plus if you're just using it, it's communicating with your subconscious, so saying your pendulum told you it's real, when you already believe it's real, is your own bias, not facts] as for ''subliminal'' change, i won't argue a spiritual, mental, or astral transformation, my point is when it comes to phyiscal shape shifting, it is a fact proven time and time again it does not work. saying your friend was meditating and transformed into an animal, was in the astral and transformed into a werewolf, or were any other altered stated and transformed in any non physical way doesn't prove physical shapeshifting is possible. physically it is not. all others fall into the plausible and belief section of the debate and is a different matter.
Does this spell work? Ive heard from others that these spells actually work, and i really want to be a Neko.
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