Acoda's Easy Lighting Spell

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Acoda's Easy Lighting Spell
This is an interesting white magic technique in which you light up a street lamp using the power of your focus.

Casting Instructions for 'Acoda's Easy Lighting Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing, only the ability to concentrate.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing, only the ability to concentrate.
Take a nighttime stroll through a street with lights at the side of the road. Chances are, at least a few of those lamps are broken. Find a broken one that calls out to you and point your finger at the lightless bulb. Concentrate on the thought of the lamp glowing, and then lighting up. Just saying ''Light'' repeatedly helps but if a full length, rhyming spell would help you fell free to make one up yourself.


Added to on Jul 16, 2012
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Thank you very much, this has been fun to mess with people with. For example 8m walking down the street with friends and 8m talking about magick and the6 don’t belibe it exists I can just turn the street lighs5 on and the6 believe

Thanks For The Spell Haven't Tried It Yet But I'm Gonna Tonight Fingers Crossed I Can Do It :)

If a lamp is broken, magick won't suddenly make it light up.

i have cast many spells over many years, and i can think of one one time my energy effected a lightbulb [and i'm still on the fence it wasn't just the lightbulb having terrible timing in an attempt to scare me and/or give me an amazing story to tell people] in theory focusing your energy on an energy like the eletricity in a lightbulb could work, but magickal energy and electrical energy are different. i know of people who do something similar with candle flames [or so i'm told] i'm highly skeptical this would work on electrical lights, but i don't see any real harm in trying [outside of wasting your time and energy]

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