Call Upon a Vampire

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Call Upon a Vampire
This spell will summon a vampire to come to you.

Casting Instructions for 'Call Upon a Vampire'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Be in your house or outside, make sure you are alone, and make sure its night time. Then if you're in your house, turn off all the lights and say this spell just once: "Mother of darkness, I call upon thee to send one of your full blooded vampyric sons or daughters to me. I wish for them to come and see me, so that he or she will sire me into what I am destined to be". A vampire should come to see you within a few minutes after that.


Added to on Dec 06, 2013
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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i am with my brother?

is it okay i am with my brother

Feb 26, 2019
The spell says you need to be alone, therefore you need to be alone. That said I doubt there's a major problem in you're in your bedroom alone and your brothers in the living room. This spell might not work how you wish it to. It will not summon a physical vampire who will turn you into a vampire [magick doesn't work that way] but some people claim to work with vampires on an astral level [like Dragons or fae] so perhaps a ''spiritual'' vampire might come and help you.

You cannot become a vampire. If you are calling on astral vampires as part of your spiritual path that's one thing, but you will never become a vampire.

Nov 06, 2019
You cant change your physical form

Nov 06, 2019
What are astral vampires

Dec 22, 2019
Vampires like the ones outlined in this spell. They are believed to be real on another plane of existence called the astral. Some work with them similar to working with angels or demons.

I'm gonna try this spell lol

Will they scare the shit out of me?

Jan 02, 2020
it might depend

I tried it before and it didn't work,I was outside on my own

it didnt work is there anything else i can try

Can a dog be around when I do this spell? And do I need to turn all lights in my house or just the room I cast it? And can my TV be on or do I need to turn it off?

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