Become a Pokemon

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Become a Pokemon
You become a Pokémon. WARNING: This lasts for the rest of your life. Cast at your own risk.

Casting Instructions for 'Become a Pokemon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Belief in Arceus
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Belief in Arceus

Say 3 times:



"O Arceus, turn in me (Pokmon), ego non malum, * fiat mihi facultatem et facultatem ad moveset * et glria * * moveset, tibi gratias agens, sic fiat semper."



(It's: "Oh, Arceus, turn me into a (Pokmon), I will not do evil, My ability will be *ability* and my moveset to be *moveset*, thanks I give to you, so mote it be," in Latin.)



Then, it may take up to 2 days to even a month!



Side effects:
-Body parts changing
-Feel stronger


Added to on Apr 28, 2017
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I would not reccomend casting because if it works you will only be able to say sounds that make up your name, and you may end up forced to fight for children.

Jan 04, 2019
This won't work. Pokemon are made up creatures in a TV show and game. No spell can transform you physically into anything other than human anyway, though. Regardless of whether or not the creature exists in the first place.

Jun 10, 2019
Xailen13; Wooosh.

Mewtwo and Lucario are able to speak

Nov 06, 2019
but does that make you able to be them

Dec 23, 2023
imawitchhaha: yes,you can turn into them

Dec 23, 2023
imawitchhaha: yes,you can turn into them

This is fake. You cannot physically transform into a Pokemon with Real Magik.

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