How to transform

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► How to transform
Bassically you can transform into any creature, at any time (p.s don't hate on me)

Casting Instructions for 'How to transform'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Any noise
  • Imagination
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Any noise
  • Imagination

There are 5 different types of transformation, im going to do a spell for the simplest one.

if anyone sees you shift, you will transform back. Here is the steps..... Number 1, look in the mirror and imagine you are that animal (but don't imagine too much, or you'll drift off). Number 2, say this every day for 3 days "The animal i was born with, boring. *insert animal here* is far better and if i change, i will be better" (p.s if you want to have animals say every other animal in insert animal here) If you wznt to shift then, do it 3 times. Believe. Side effects are: Blurry vision, thinking about the animal in a dream, hunger, tiredness, craving to go outside. If there are any more, tell me!


Added to on Jun 14, 2019
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I'm not sure if you'll consider this hating , but I'm still going to point out that this is a fake spell.

Jun 14, 2019
This is technically hating soooo Stop

Jun 14, 2019
It's not hating to point out a simple fact. If that's enough to make you feel as though you're being hated on, perhaps you should refrain from posting things online until you're able to handle things like that better.

Jun 15, 2019
Hate would be if Rhododendron was calling out a specific person or the author and insulting them. Stating a fact of the universe, that physical transformation is not possible, is not hate, it is stating facts. You would not claim a scientist is ''hating'' when they state the earth revolves around the sun, so it is not hateful to state physical transformation spells are fake, it is simple ''hurtful'' to those who do not wish to accept reality.

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