Feast of Divine Life

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Feast of Divine Life
All agrarian societies celebrate harvest time – the time of abundance. The Egyptian Feast of Divine Life celebrated the moon and the belief that it provided the Waters of Life. Nowadays we recognize the cycle of life the wheel of the cosmos as it turns. We can still honour the Triple Goddess in all her forms – Maid, Mother and Crone – as was done of old. At the time of the harvest she is honoured more as the fertile mother.

Casting Instructions for 'Feast of Divine Life'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Cauldron
  • Wand
  • Three symbols of a fruitful harvest
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Cauldron
  • Wand
  • Three symbols of a fruitful harvest

Prepare your sacred space as usual, including your altar and say: "The harvest is now done.A peaceful winter lies before us.Dark and light strike a balance.Thanks be to the Triple Goddess".Light the coloured candles.

Carrying the candles, move clockwise around the ritual area, commencing and completing in the East. At each cardinal point, pause and say: "Triple Goddess, bless the years harvest that I bring".

Place the candles safely and alight on the altar. Tap the cauldron three times with your wand and place the symbols in the cauldron then say:"Life brings death, brings life. The wheel of the cosmos turns never-ending. The negative is replaced by the positive. I honour the Triple Goddess, Harvesting my thoughts I honour the Triple Goddess."

Meditate for as long as feels comfortable then close the circle. When you have finished, be sure to share the harvestwith others of the Goddesses creatures. You might like to bury the apple near an apple or fruit tree as an offering, to scatter the bread for the birds and to scatter herbs if you have used them on waste ground.


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Last edited on Sep 26, 2016
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