I dont know about you but i am tierd of these children asking me for the magick words to make them fly or turn into a bat sorry but there are few magick words and trust me they are not
The cat sat
on the hat
let me get a mat
and become fat
I am sorry but there is no magick in words(hold a few) you are the magick and the words are only a way to help you focus
and you dont make potions with the balls of newt!? i mean come on people!?
And this whole thing about black magick bad and white magick good (yet again another hollywood lie) there are good and bad people magick is not good or bad it takes no side. If you dis agree let me ask you is a gun to blame for the kill or the one who pulls the triger?
I want a coven that that is free of all this Bull sh*t
one were you dont tell you freind you turned your mom in to a frog to look cool.
I came here to talk to like minded people and i have found a few but mostly i have walked into a f ing movie fourm talking about bs to make them selves look like the movies.
i want to hear the thoughts of people who agree and disagree
My friend, I am completely with you. Yes, the site is full of so many...Hell, I'll call them what they are, the site is full of so many bullshitters it's not funny but there are still here those worth knowing. Those who think like us. It just takes a bit of digging to find them! Keep this thread alive, we can both try and get more like-minded people interested. There are enough for a healthy coven, certainly.
Some more thoughts upon the coven's nature might be needed however. I take it you mean just a general coven, full of knowledge actually genuine. Don't apply until there is a healthy number of people interested.
For the time being, post more information upon your thoughts and this coven. The more you elaborate, the more those worth having near you are drawn to you!
I'm glad to meet another like-minded, intelligent individual:)
Moddoc and samuel! This is a good idea!
That is why I came here too, to meet like minded folks. I have had so many kids write me...one wanted to shoot fire out of his hands just like Harry potter!!! UGH!! Another wanted to be a mermaid. Though I have meet many like minded ones here. There are more kids here who do not understand the first thing about real magick.They think it is all harry potter and charmed!
the ones who really want to learn I have taken and started a yahoo group with and also recommended the school associated with this site and others.
i am happy at my coven at this time. But I totally support this idea.
ModDoc i agree and kind of disagree with you. although the magick isnt in the words but if you dont chant the words it may not happen(correct me if im wrong)you give the words the magick to do the spell and it is possible to become a bat or a mermaid its a form of biokinesis not a spell and even thought that is theoretically possible i would imagine it being quite painful and i doubt it would give you the power to fly or morph at will.
I remember a time when the very same thing was suggested. There was a user by the name of DeathGoddess who I enlightened on the current state of the forums. She agreed fully, and put alot of work into the coven application. Unofrtunately, it was denied. But, there is still hope. MocDoc, you seem to be very intelligent. you know what is going on, you know what is happening on these forums. I have made it a personal mission to clear up lies on the forums, it makes me happy to see others with the same realistic attitude.
i too have been frustrated by this ever since i joined. and i have always supported jahb in his effort, and sometimes i point out the silliness of wanting to be a mermaid when you just learned that magick is real.
some of thenewer members dont have any patience. some young ones want it all right now and dont want to work at it. dont want to start off simple. then they get discrouraged when their spell "don't work"
good idea for a coven. of course maybe all the covens could just work harder to educate thier members. not saying most dont already. almost all the covens here are run superbly.
yes i know saying sci or quantum mechanics on a magick forum is like saying witch to the pope but i to try to help and corect the many little harry poters of our world but i am tired of it.
i have been doing so called magick for 5 years and i have yet to do somthing i can not explain with sci.
Many here call them selves witches and follow the path of wicca that is fine and let them do so but i call my self a mind sage and i do not tie my self to any religion (do not get me wrong i have very strong relationships with many gods and goddesses)
Lets take having an conversation with a bird for example how is this not magick? well the human only uses 1/6 of our total brain so if a crow uses just 3/4 of there brain the match our own brain size.
I could go on and on but i would hate to bore people.
yes i agree with you i have done shape shifting and it is quiote enlightening but it has only been in thought and yet i do beleve that you could over time change your body into somthing i would never try and do not have the power to do such a feat. and yes chants as i said help you focus like a targeting system on what you want. they are just a tool that YOU give power to.