Send feelings to others

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Send feelings to others
Post # 1
Is there a spell to send your feelings to others?I love someone,but i just can not tell him how i feel.Please dont ask me why.I just cannot tell him.Can you help me?
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Re: Send feelings to others
Post # 2
i do not know a spell but every body has a lil Telekinesis in them i say ralax your body and mind then focus in the person and what you want to send the then feel that engrey leaveing your body and going to the other persons i hope this helps you
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Re: Send feelings to othe
Post # 3
uhm i'm pretty sure not ordinary people can do this

i mean , it takes alot of practice and i guess talent

meditation is important here
you concentrate on that persons mind
then you think what you wanna actually send and visualize
that thought is going through that persons mind

to be honest , if you have the believe and willpower
lets not say send feelings,its true you can even control someone

all our minds are actually connected in a way
i dont wanna move to another topic , so yes
hope it helps
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